Virtual Commemoration Of The Victims Of The Roma Serial-Killings In Hungary - Join Us!

Six people were killed and many others injured in racially-motivated serial killings against Roma people in Hungary between January 2008 and August 2009 in which Molotov cocktails and firearms were used. Among the victims was a 4-year-old boy too.

 In August 2009, the Hungarian police arrested four suspects. On 24th July 2013, the trial comes to the closing speeches, and finally after five years, the verdict will be delivered in August.

In addition, August 2nd marks the Roma Holocaust Remembrance Day, which also serves as an opportunity to honour the victims. In 1944 several thousand Roma were killed in Auschwitz-Birkenau. 65 years later, at exactly the same hour of the day, Mária Balogh was shot dead in her own house and her daughter sustained life threatening injuries.

To highlight the importance of standing up to racially-motivated hate crimes, Communication Center X (XKK) has shot four 2-3 minute videofilms with the contributions from the most famous Hungarian actors and actresses.We
invite you to join us in the commemoration on the 2nd of August and ask you to put our English-subtitled video onto your pages and social media sites.

We are Communication Center X, a socially committed communication agency that works in Hungary. We aim to generate positive changes in social, ethnic, gender and democratic issues. 

If you would like to join our campaign please let us know your
organisation’s name at the following mail-address:

2013.07.23. 17:42 XKK


Címkék: roma english

X Kommunikációs Központ

Az XKK a civil ügyek kommunikációs ügynöksége, azért jött létre, hogy társadalmi ügyekben változást generáljon a kommunikáció eszközeivel.


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